Hello to my two followers! I know its been a long while! I could write about so many things, but I am choosing to be selfish and write about my own bullshit tonight. Not that everything happening in the world right now isn't something giving us all a great pause of reflection, or at least I hope you all are doing that.
Kevy and I frequent about 3 places in our town. One is the grocery store where they all know me. Another is our liquor store, where they know us both well. The last is the one restaurant/bar in town we go to once, sometimes twice a month, on the weekends we don't have the kids.
Anyway, as life goes I have become friends with some of the people that work in those places, both in real life and on social media. One of the social media finds was a bartender at the Local Pub who saw me show up on a mutual friends post and commented, "You know Kate!? She's married to Kevin! Her and her husband are some of my favorite guests!" I went into our local liquor store this week and one of the boys that works there said, "You have to settle a bet (lets call him John), and I have going." Me: Okay...is it which Bourbon County is the best? "No! Are you and Kevin married?"
Ha, well no we are not. "Oh okay...I bet you were. I guess he'd better get on it then, huh?" Ummmm...well...that doesn't exactly work for us. (And trust me guys, if I didn't care for and respect this person, I would have told him to fuck off. But I do, and I will not.)
So, if I did not explain any of that well, I am sorry. But my point is this: Kevin and I are NOT MARRIED! According to TSMA, we never will be. But does that mean our relationship isn't sound? Faithful? Do we not have a life together? Are we forever bound by the terms and stigma they bring of "boyfriend and girlfriend"? I dunno. And I also don't know what the people that we interact with in these consumer situations assume about us. Because I know as a bartender and tenured in my trade, I don't assume a mother fucking thing about a person. But somehow we have been dubbed and assumed as married. Except to the people that really see us.
So, I don't know, friends. I am happy that people see us as a forever-bound-by-love type. But I am also happy some of them see us as not, and get why we aren't.
Whatever comes and whatever will be. But I know that there will never be a time that Kev or myself, didn't see one another as partners in life. And we don't care if we meet your social standards. And we don't care if we had a fancy way of committing ourselves to one another. We care about our kids. Our cats. Each other. In that order.
WE are the real MVPs.