Thursday, March 1, 2012

March FUCKING First

March 1, 2009
In hindsight the date isn't ever as important as the event that took place that day, but no one ever realizes that unless they were a part of it. It's funny because aside from the birth of my three children, there really isnt any other date in my life that sticks out with any real significance like this one does. I often forget the date of my wedding anniversary. I have no idea the date I first met my ex. Our first kiss? I was 17 and thats all I know. It amazes me that the things we, as a race, tend to remember are the negative parts of life. We seldom remember the stories of passion and inspiration. Instead we remember heartbreak and despair. Pain. We forget the times friends and family treated us well and instead know exactly how often they failed our expectations of what we thought they should be to us.

March 1, 2012
Read this passage today. This was the passage I was suppose to read at my dad's service. I was unable to do so because of my own emotional incapacities. Today is the 3 yr 'anniversary' of my dad's death. This day brings many emotions for me...and this year in particular has been extraordinarily...different.

Anyway, barring any bias, I think the following is great wisdom and you would all do yourselves well to live this way.

Ecclesiastes 7

Wisdom for Life
 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume.
      And the day you die is better than the day you are born.
 2 Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties.
      After all, everyone dies—
      so the living should take this to heart.
 3 Sorrow is better than laughter,
      for sadness has a refining influence on us.
 4 A wise person thinks a lot about death,
      while a fool thinks only about having a good time.

 5 Better to be criticized by a wise person
      than to be praised by a fool.
 6 A fool’s laughter is quickly gone,
      like thorns crackling in a fire.
      This also is meaningless.

 7 Extortion turns wise people into fools,
      and bribes corrupt the heart.

 8 Finishing is better than starting.
      Patience is better than pride.

 9 Control your temper,
      for anger labels you a fool.

 10 Don’t long for “the good old days.”
      This is not wise.

 11 Wisdom is even better when you have money.
      Both are a benefit as you go through life.
 12 Wisdom and money can get you almost anything,
      but only wisdom can save your life.

 13 Accept the way God does things,
      for who can straighten what he has made crooked?
 14 Enjoy prosperity while you can,
      but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.
      Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

I love you, Daddy.

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