Sunday, June 9, 2013

And so I had the best weekend and best time I have had in a long, long time. In case you haven't noticed, TSMA and I do not agree on baseball...we do, actually, but our teams are very different. Since we hail from a city that has 2, the North and the South, it is a situation where you pick your loyalty. So, instead of giving you a lot of bullshit about it, I will instead leave you with the photo montage. Keep in mind, this was, by far, one of the best weekends of my life AND at a time I needed it, because my babies have been on vacation with their dad for 8 days now.

 TSMA, Kimi Coo and me
 Me and J on the train...he can't pick a team, he's just there for the beer. Can't blame him.
 Yep, thaat's my face
 PJ and me. He is TSMA's best friend and brother and I love him, too. We had fun. I'm not sure how he feels about TSMA and I, but I hope its good, because I'd love his support in this.
 Matty and Em. I love them both. A lot.

 2 of my favorite people ever and me. I love them.

 me, Kev and Peej

It was a great weekend. The game, the friends, the times we had...and today TSMA and I slept in, went for a crappy breakfast, saw a movie, had mac at Cobbs, drank some wine and talked. My heart couldn't be happier. They all make me smile. And in the morning I get to see my babies for the first time in a week. My cup is full.

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