Monday, February 18, 2013


I'm the girl that shies away from gentlemanly gestures. They make me nervous. I usually assume the guy is looking to put his P in my V or I assume he's too much of a Sally to be the Man (yes, CAPITAL M-a-n), that I need and want. I cannot form my life around the idea of a man that may exist in the future. I form my life around the gestures I'm given and the place I happen to be in, emotionally, when I receive them.

I am really awesome at telling men I don't need to be romanced. I mean...pfffft...really?...would I need that?

Well...the answer is...DUH. Yes, I do. I may be the coolest fucking chic you know and I may be more forgiving than the best 'bro' or 'brah' or whatever the fuck you dudes call each other these days, but you know, I need the extraordinary measures from a man if he thinks he really is worthy of being even present in the awesome that is...mother. fucking. ME.

Some things I've learned are, "when love is beginning, and love is ending some things are remarkably similar. For one thing, you spend most of your time in bed, your friends can't stand to listen to you and you never seem to wear pants." (that last one of which I have been an advocate of since my day of birth).

I'm not saying, exactly. But I'm just sayin', is all.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Change is a funny thing. Not everyone can handle it. It can sneak up on you. Things aren't what they use to be. Your whole world is transformed. You realize the ground beneath you has shifted. Things are uncertain. And there's no turning back. The world around you is different now. Unrecognizable and there's nothing you can do about it. You're sick. The future staring you in the face and you're not sure you like what you see. Like I said; I'm not big into change. -Alex Karev

Still amazes me, surprisingly, how accurately this show continues to fit my life. It's February. We all know how I feel about February...