Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shit that reminds you of ME! Part Deaux.

And so the time has come for another edition of, "Shit that reminds you of ME!"

TWO of you lovely people posted this to my wall on the same day. I turn 30 this August-start saving your pennies!

'Nuff said.

Who are we kidding. The only exercise I do while watching anything is the bicep curls to lift the bottle to my mouth.

I LOVE this shirt...except that very last word that isn't correctly written... "alot" is TWO MOTHER FUCKING WORDS!

Now that isn't true. I usually have done that in the shower BEFORE I even get to my coffee.

True story.

Yes...yes we are.

What can I say?! I have fabulous tits.

Definitely fit the bill on that one...


Again, my birthday is in August. Plan accordingly.