Sunday, March 31, 2013

Shit that reminds you of ME!...

So people like to post these really hilarious pictures on my Facebook wall. Well, they aren't actually all that hilarious unless you know me because as it happens, each and every one of them is very much an accurate portrayal of, well, ME! Here's a minor compilation of some of the things posted on my wall with a message that either says, "Made me think of you!!!" or "THIS IS SOOOOOOO YOU!!!". Enjoy, bitches!


With tits as big as mine, the bra stays on, but fuck pants. Pants, my friends, are bullshit.

Because we're Irish and German and Awesome. It's like the epitome of all mutts.

Every. Fucking. Day.

I had a table go through an entire expo pan, that's a whole fucking BAG, of ranch once. I also have had 20 minutes on a kid's pasta-there's no MEAT on that!

Because some people love you no matter how disconnected your friendship has become. 
Because asshole's like to pick on my teams. :P

They are nice boobs. I can't blame you people for loving them.



Because I am a classy ass bitch.

Proud. Always so proud when they spew Momma.

Brackets and beer, bitches.

I think this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Surf and turf. Inspired by yours truly because I'm classy as fuck...well, at least I have good taste anyway.

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