Sunday, March 31, 2013

Shit that reminds you of ME!...

So people like to post these really hilarious pictures on my Facebook wall. Well, they aren't actually all that hilarious unless you know me because as it happens, each and every one of them is very much an accurate portrayal of, well, ME! Here's a minor compilation of some of the things posted on my wall with a message that either says, "Made me think of you!!!" or "THIS IS SOOOOOOO YOU!!!". Enjoy, bitches!


With tits as big as mine, the bra stays on, but fuck pants. Pants, my friends, are bullshit.

Because we're Irish and German and Awesome. It's like the epitome of all mutts.

Every. Fucking. Day.

I had a table go through an entire expo pan, that's a whole fucking BAG, of ranch once. I also have had 20 minutes on a kid's pasta-there's no MEAT on that!

Because some people love you no matter how disconnected your friendship has become. 
Because asshole's like to pick on my teams. :P

They are nice boobs. I can't blame you people for loving them.



Because I am a classy ass bitch.

Proud. Always so proud when they spew Momma.

Brackets and beer, bitches.

I think this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Surf and turf. Inspired by yours truly because I'm classy as fuck...well, at least I have good taste anyway.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

There's A Spring Time Ahead...

If you follow me on Facebook you have heard me refer, occasionally, to someone dubbed "the sexiest man alive". If you follow me on Facebook, you've read and probably come to your own, pretty accurate, conclusion of me and my life (the shit you guys post on my wall with the message, "this made me think of you!", tells me that). If you follow me on Facebook, you see the occasional links to this blog I post and have probably read a few of my posts over the last 4 years. If you follow me on Facebook, you probably have an opinion of me that was based upon reflection of the language I use, the judgements I make and the grace with which I accept my life for what it is.

The sexiest man alive came over last night. He walked in, kissed my face, grabbed a beer and said something like, "I have something for you". I smiled because, well, this was a first, and said something like, "Oh yeah?...What?" His response will forever be a favorite of mine, for all time..."I made you a mixed tape." He handed me a shiny CD in a nice, clear case. I thanked him and set it down, planning to listen to it in my own time. He looked at me and said something to the tune of, "Or we can listen to it now." So, we did. And upon the start of the first track I said, "You made me an Eddie CD!!!"

See, the night (or morning, rather because it WAS 1:30am) prior I had sent him a message that said, "I just fell in love with Eddie Vedder". Eddie is the sexiest man alive's favorite. Ever. And while I've always enjoyed Pearl Jam (in fact, one of their songs, which TSMA included on this disc, is one of my favorite songs ever), I was never a fanatic of them or their leading man. So, upon him knowing that, he made me an entire CD of Eddie songs and told me he picked them each because he thought that I would like every one of them.

It's kind of funny how he was right. I do like each and every one of them. I like them all differently, though. If I don't love the music and the lyrics, I like one or the other on each an every track. So, I present to you, the track listing. My favorites (or at least my favorites while I'm 4 glasses of cabernet in) are denoted with the ever popular (and sometimes dreaded) astrisk.

Eddie, From The Sexiest Man Alive

1 Wasted Reprise- Pearl Jam
2 Angel-Pearl Jam
3 Setting Forth- Eddie Vedder*
4 Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town-Pearl Jam**
5 North Country-Eddie Vedder
6 No More-Eddie Vedder with Ben Harper
7 Thumbing My Way-Pearl Jam **
8 No Ceiling-Eddie Vedder*
9 Trouble-Pearl Jam
10 Far Behind-Eddie Vedder*
11 Rise-Eddie Vedder*
12 Marker In The Sand-Pearl Jam*
13 Hard Sun-Eddie Vedder
14 Forever Young-Eddie Vedder
15 Footsteps-Pearl Jam*
16 Low Light-Pearl Jam
17 Man Of The Hour-Pearl Jam
18 Inside Job-Pearl Jam*
19 The End-Pearl Jam*
20 Guaranteed-Eddie Vedder*

I'm pretty sure StL Mom and Dad will love this.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Love is Searching, too...

I heard this song tonight that played on Pandora while I was surfing aimlessly and decorating a home I don't own shopping away my lonliness online. It just, kind of...nicely and simply summed up a lot of the thoughts I've been struggling with the last couple of years. Enjoy.

True Love Will Find You In The End

True love will find you in the end
You'll find out just who was your friend
Don't be sad, I know you will
But don't give up until
True love will find you in the end

This is a promise with a catch
Only if you're looking will it find you
'Cause true love is searching too
But how can it recognize you?
Unless you step out into the light

Don't be sad, I know you will
Don't give up until
True love finds you in the end

True love will find you in the end
You'll find out just who was your friend
So don't be sad, I know you will
And don't give up until
True love finds you in the end

True love will find you in the end
True love will find you in the end

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Handful Of Glitter...

I really haven't had anything inspiring to write about lately. It's that time of year again where I tend to get quiet and withdraw from life. I thought things had started to look up and I was getting to a place where I was starting to feel that the last few years of struggles, emotional, financial and otherwise, were finally evening out. Lately it seems like everything I thought was becoming stable has been tossed into the wind like a handful of glitter at a strip club.

I started wondering how much of this is in my control, and what's frustrating to see is that pretty much NONE of it is. All I seem to have control over is how I respond to it all. While I am trying to be graceful and accepting, I think I'm failing miserably. Instead of smiling and continuing to perservere, I feel discouraged and unappreciated. The fucked-up-stupid part of it all, is that this is the case in every aspect of my life right now; work, my kids, home, the (as I will so lovingly refer to him here, hoping if he reads this it will only bring a grin to his face) Fucking Retard I have been seeing...all of it in places I didn't want to be.

One thing that has kept me from eating a bullet the last week is something a co-worker said to me. He and I have had our differences, but we've landed in a place of respect that I am grateful for. What he reminded me of is that sometimes you have to take a step back in order to clear the path to move forward. And he's right. It's something I've always believed, but stated as simply as that is exactly what I needed to hear.

I'm hoping that with the transition into my favorite time of year where the days are longer, the sun is warmer and the pallet of colors more diverse and vivid, I will find all the aspects of my life I've grown frustrated with begin to mirror those changes.

Until then? I'll be thanking God daily for all the blessings He does give me...the most important of which being tequila, naturally.