Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sigh...(1st edition)...

So I looked at the calendar today and it appears Christmas is just a few days away (haha, yes, I am ready)...

This time of year brings a lot of things...

I emptied my pockets into a Salvation Army kettle the other day when the bell ringer looked me in the eye and wished me a "Merry Christmas". (I maybe gave him 78 cents because I just don't carry cash).

My kids are so excited for Christmas that they ask me daily questions about Santa. They also ask me questions like, "Who delivers the presents to Papa in heaven, mom?" (Well, DUH, I say Jesus!).

My husband was informed a week ago that the business he has devoted 60 hours a week to for the last 6 years would be closing its doors and he would be losing his job, as well as the medical insurance our 2 of 3 heart kids oh-so-need.

I am not so sure what the next month will bring for us, let alone the next week. I do know my mom would never let my family go hungry or homeless. That is a reassurance.

Despite what the holiday season brings for ME, personally, I find myself wanting to give to others what I don't have to give. I can't pay a lot of the bills I have due this month, that's ok because I know my kids won't go without. What bothers me is that I didn't have the 10 dollars to pay the 12 year old that came to my door last night wanting to shovel my un-groomed driveway.  Or that I had to shred the mailers from all the charities I have donated to in the past.

Oh Christmas brings so many emotions for me...

but what it reminds me of most are these: faith in God, hope for the future and charity for those in need.

Faith. Hope. Charity.

I don't know much, but I do know those 3 things are very important.

God bless and Merry Christmas!


  1. Having read this the day after Christmas, I hope yours was a warm and happy one, despite everything that has happened. Just remember - there is a time for everything under heave, so they say...
    There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them... a time to keep and a time to throw away... a time to tear and a time to mend... You have to think there is a time to give and a time to receive. Give yourself time - and know your "downstate" family won't let you go without either.
    Love you.

  2. Funny you posted that...i read that passage last night. Love you too.
