Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So I had some time off work recently (by time I mean a day or two when TSMA wasn't talking to me, I worked nights, and the kids were with their dad) and I cleaned my house. I mean CLEANED. It was fucking spotless. I washed all the floors, bleached all the toilets and food contact surfaces (which being the mother of 2 boys and a very tom-boyish girl, sometimes includes the toilets). I washed, dried and FOLDED all the fucking laundry. I found clothes I didn't realize I still owned. I found underwear that I'm pretty sure got stashed and hidden for the shit stains, shoved under beds (no, they were not mine, I think they belonged to the 5 year old that still can't wipe his own ass). Anyway, I did all this in about 6 hours before work one day. Then I came home, had 18 hours off and have worked 7am-5pm every day since.

My point is, my house, in all that time I haven't been home, is a mother fucking shithole. I found a God damned chicken wing, A PIECE OF POULTRY, in my kid's bed today. I washed those sheets a week ago and we haven't eaten chicken wings in months. WHERE THE FUCK DID IT COME FROM??? Did it stick to my North Face while running the line check at work and I failed to notice it for something like 9 hours before I got home? And if it was stuck to me, did none of the shit bricks I work with feel it necessary to let me know??? I mean, seriously, some of those assholes walk in back with a third pan of fucking ranch dressing down their aprons and legs and they can't tell ME, their boss, that I have a God damned appendage of a fucking bird stuck to my boob or ass or muffin top??? Jesus fucking Christ.

Oh and it gets better. I walked into my bathroom tonight to turn on my tub, praying the whole 23 steps there that I would have hot water (my water temperature regulator thingy isn't working properly) and I sat my cell phone on my bathroom counter and I pulled my hand back in actual DISGUST because the counter was so caked in toothpaste and apparently all the fucking hair I lose daily, that I didn't want to set it down (keep in mind, I've dropped my phone in a toilet mid sentence while pissing and reached in and picked it up and continues my conversation-OKAY, this only happened once and yes, there was A LOT of liquor involved). ANYWAY, what the fuck??? I basically detailed this bathroom a week ago. And I am the only one that uses it. When the Hell did I start going bald? I mean, There is A LOT of hair on my head, but based on the amount accumulated on my counter after a week, you'd think Chewbacca was shaved bald in my fucking sink.

Then I walked out of there, toothbrush in hand, planning to spit in the snow drifts outside and wash my mouth out with (what I'm sure would be yellow) snow, I stumbled over piles of dirty laundry in my bedroom. I LITERALLY washed every single piece of clothing not on a hanger or in a drawer this last week. So tell me why I am getting my feet caught in the sleeves of shirts and leg holes of underwear STREWN across my bedroom right now?

I crawled into bed, just after all this, thinking I would deal with it all whenever I get a day off, and as I straightened out my sheets my foot got caught on something that wouldn't free me and I couldn't move my leg more than 6 inches or so and it threw me into a complete panic. As I kicked and writhed against the stupid ass monster that was clearly trying to take my life, I thought about what it could be. Was I going to miss my kids' growing up because a Sasquatch was about to devour me? Was it because one of my turd faced kids became a zombie and is about to start knawing at my flesh? I reach towards my leg, still kicking violently, when I realize The Beast Below is a pair of fucking underwear TSMA slid off of me like, a decade ago, in, you know...the MOMENT or whatever. But shit, Martha! I've washed my sheets since then! Many times!

Where in the Hell are all these chicken wing, love panty, Yeti hair, bombs of filth coming from???

Anyway, my name is Kate and I handle your food. In a much more sanitary environment than this, so explain to me what the actual FUCK happens in my house when I'm not here.

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