Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thursdays With Meredith...

I am going to start something of a feature here at And So It Goes... I am a longtime fan of Grey's Anatomy and every episode I find myself loving something Meredith has said. Most of the things I love are part of her narration but not always. Anyway, at the risk of becoming what I call a "trendy blogger", I present to you, "Thursday's With Meredith". Maybe I will even start referring to it as TWM and then, like PINT with @Kristin_OPC you will all know exactly what it is. OOOHHH!!! Maybe I will go one step further and hash tag it. #TWM #WIN

Ok, I am straying. I have 2 followers and they're both going to read this and laugh. And then JMK is going to call her husband in the room and go, "Our adopted daughter is blogging not only about her love for bad tv, but her big, brass, balls again." (Yeah, I haven't mentioned those yet, but you just wait. That will be a fun post.)

So, I know it's not Thursday and I will have another post tomorrow with a different quote, but this one is just too good not to share right now. This is from last weeks episode, spoken during narration by Meredith. Sometimes I may share my thoughts on the quote (cause you all know how I like to jabber), but I think this is clear enough. I think sometimes people that don't spend a lot of time with their kids forget how they have become the breath and life of a mother's existence.

"You think that true love is the only thing that can crush your heart; that will take your life and light it up or destroy it. Then you become a mother."

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