Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I suck at communication. If you could imagine a Tintanic or Armageddon type setting and place me as the person that relays what is happening,  I am the reason the boat sinks and why the world explodes. If you tell me something is happening, it isn't that I am not listening, because I am, it's just that eating the mashed potatoes I made last night is more important to me, I am not hearing you. This isn't true for every relationship I have, if I care about you enough, I am seeing the signs that you're drowning or facing a catastrophic asteroid from Hell, it's just that I seriously don't even have the skills to deal with that happening in my own life, to know how to handle that in yours. Yes. I am that retarded at life. What's worse is when I try to understand and don't. Because there is nothing worse than trying to relate to a situation or perspective on anything when you cant even grasp your own. but that is a serious side effect of being "aware". Society is so quick to diagnose and label and place blame, but I believe that if you are in the place I am

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